Pfizer Exec admits “We never tested vaccine against transmission”

A senior Pfizer executive has admitted under oath that the company never tested their Covid “vaccine” to see if it prevented transmission.
Pfizer’s Chief Executive in Charge of Developing Markets Janine Small was testifying in front of the European Parliament’s Special Committee on Covid19 on Monday, when Dutch MEP Rob Roos asked:
Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?”
Small then replied:
Regarding the question around, um, did we know about stopping the immunisation [sic] before it entered the market? No, heh,”
She further defended that decision by arguing Pfizer had to “move at the speed of science”.
Watch as Pfizer executive Janine Small admits to EU parliament that Pfizer did not test the vaccine for preventing transmission of Covid prior to it being made available to the public.
Small says, “We had to really move at the speed of science..we had to do everything at risk.”
— True North (@TrueNorthCentre) October 11, 2022
Now, that the so-called “vaccines” don’t prevent transmission of the alleged virus knowns as “SARSCOV2” is far from news. We’ve known that for well over a year. It’s as undeniable as the fact this “virus” has never been associated with any new disease or that “COVID” is just a new name for old symptoms. The fact the whole thing is a scam has been clearly defined in the official literature for some time.
However, Pfizer admitting they never even tried to test it is news. It has long been suspected, given the incredibly short development time, but now it is confirmed.
To repeat, they have now admitted on record that from the very beginning they had no idea if their “vaccine” prevented transmission or not.
So everyone who said it did was knowingly lying.
The mainstream media has gone into revisionist history mode over this news, saying that nobody ever claimed the vaccines prevented transmission.
That is a complete and utter lie. See this handy video:
Everyone who claimed you needed to get vaccinated to “slow the spread” was lying.
Everyone who claimed it was a duty to “protect others” was lying. Covid passports, qr codes, none of it was based on any science at all.
To quote Rob Roos MEP again:
Get vaccinated for others” was always a lie. The only purpose of the #COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated.
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There are long fact check articles for that trust MSM but I don’t think this line of reasoning will shock the health agencies because all they need to say is,
“we were told it would reduce infections by 95%. We therefore assumed it would reduce transmission 95%.”
This won’t trouble the big wigs in state departments.
I was an athlete – now I’m 30 and in a wheelchair thanks to long Covid | Long Covid | The Guardian I love the way these formerly healthy young people swallow the crap and refuse to accept that the jabs are the problem.
”My first cardiac episode was in mid-April, four months after my booster.”
They are in fact telling the truth for those who read.
They are claiming it’s fucking covid,
I don’t understand just what it is she admitted to! She uses the word « immunisation » not transmission. Now was that a lapsus or did she deliberately make her response a literal nonsense? And even if I, and you, understand the truth of it and decide that this is, in fact, an admission, how can the exact quote be used to show it? Anyway, now that Reality has been abolished, anything can be done and admitted to and not mean a thing. I admire the man who posed the question but regrettably and with bitterness find the response more of a Pfizzer than a bombshell.
YouTube deleted the video with the phizer exec, it goes against their “community standards”. Not that should surprise anyone reading here, but apparently stinky YouTube mods know better than Pfizer execs…
Within the same week fighting the deep state DeSantis releases this.
Guidance for mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines October 7, 2022 Florida continues to emphasize that health care providers review all data to evaluate risks and benefits unique to each patient when determining any health care services to provide, including the administration of COVID-19 vaccines containing Messenger RNA (mRNA) which both the PfizerBioNTech and the Moderna vaccines utilize.
The Florida Department of Health (Department) conducted an analysis through a self-controlled case series, which is a technique originally developed to evaluate vaccine safety. This studied mortality risk following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. This analysis found there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. Individuals with preexisting cardiac conditions, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, should take particular caution when considering vaccination and discuss with their health care provider.
As such, the Florida Department of Health has issued the following guidance:
Based on currently available data, patients should be informed of the possible cardiac complications that can arise after receiving a mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. With a high level of global immunity to COVID-19, the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac related death among men in this age group.
The State Surgeon General now recommends against the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for males ages 18-39 years old.
Individuals and health care providers should also be aware that this analysis1 found: • Males over the age of 60 had a 10% increased risk of cardiac-related death within 28 days of mRNA vaccination. • Non-mRNA vaccines were not found to have these increased risks among any population.
Floridians are encouraged to discuss all the potential benefits and risks of receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines with their health care provider. The risk associated with mRNA vaccination should be weighed against the risk associated with COVID-19 infection.
The Department continues to stand by its Guidance for Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccines issued March 2022, which recommends against use in healthy children and adolescents 5 years old to 17 years old. This now includes recommendations against COVID-19 vaccination among infants and children under 5 years old, which has since been issued under Emergency Use Authorization. 1 These data are preliminary and based on surveillance and death certificate data, not medical records.
National Geographic:
“These melting mountain peaks could kill thousands. Can science help?In the Alps, scientists are scrambling to put systems in place that warn people when to flee the climate change-driven landslides and floods caused by glaciers falling apart.”
Oh hang on … I’ve hit a paywall! Shit! Now I’ll never know how it ends!
Oh sorry – did I say “ends”?
Don’t pay I’ll tell you. It won’t end.
“scrambling scientists”. Wot next? Dancing demons, etc. etc.
The Reiner Fuellmich saga ending in predictable debacle:–Viviane-Fischer:9
“Legal action” is a tried-and-tested way of both ensuring delay and parting the gullible from their money. Those who spotted the Freemasonic icongraphy around Fuellmich called this out long ago but some refused to see it.
The famous. tribunals, seal indictments, mass arrests, legal fee scam. it is aimed at the hopium crowd.
Now watch the alt media outlets pretend they didn’t promote this scammer.
with the added credibility to the scam king of the fake CEO fake Dr make believe bullshit Yeadon himself piped in the comment section to reassure the believes that it was all real and happening still.
Trust the plan….
Court case is happening
You watch.
Keep watching.
Donate now.
OMG! W-e-l-l, it appears that Reiner is as Machiavellian as Gates, Tedros and Fauci (the bit-players in the saga) … dirty bloody devil. He sure as heck fooled me.
You’re kidding, right?
One thing’s for sure: you’re sure as heck fooled!
This was debunked weeks ago. Vivian herself debunked it.
Your link takes me to one Viviane Fischer who tells us the fiendish Fuellmich “Stole €1.35 Million From the Corona Committee”. I preume this is the same Viviane as here:
“Worried about the corona virus”? Really?
Well she makes some sceptical noises but then
“After all”? It’s true “after all”!
She seems to be hedging here:
And perhaps – just perhaps – by “corona disaster” she is referring to disaster caused by the corona fraud? But … it’s not exactly clear, is it?
But still, if there’s no “Freemasonic icongraphy” around her then I guess she’s OK!
At the time the jabs were being developed it was clear they weren’t expected to reduce transmission. The criteria required for emergency authorisation was that they reduced at least two of the symptoms. That was all they had to do.
Which two ?
They only specified a count of two, nothing about what the symptoms were. I’m not sure why my original comment is being down-voted here. I was just pointing out that there was never any intention that the jabs would reduce transmission. Officials and media conjured that up from thin air (a process which they then labelled as ‘following The Science’).
Grodley their is a video within this article with multiple talking heads saying it stops transmission. Dunce.
Why so hostile? I know what they all said at the time. I was alive then too. Everyone knows what was said. I’m just pointing out that the trials only required the jab to supposedly reduce a couple of symptoms. And proper journalists at the time tried to point this out and were ignored or cancelled. Anyone who actually researched what they were developing would have seen this clearly at the time. But of course it was suppressed. Why am I a dunce for pointing this out?
Also note my original post says ‘at the time the jabs were being developed’. I wasn’t referring to the messaging that went with the rollout. I just thought it was a given on this site that everyone agrees it was a massive campaign of lies and I didn’t need to restate my commitment to that view with every single post.
The criteria for ’emergency’ authorisation were did the terrorists want people infected with ‘the vaccine’. This was obviously the case from the beginning.
This was planned in 2015 in a “criminal conspiracy of domestic terror”. Peter Daszak said at a national academy of science meeting that “funding” depended on the “hyping” of an “emergency”:
Agree. I was just pointing out that if anyone took the time to research the testing criteria at the time it was clear they weren’t interested in reducing transmission. And they used a fake emergency state to roll jabs out. Not sure why I’m down voted for it.
I attach links to a Pfizer press release from November 2020 and a subsequent New Scientist article, both of which clearly confirm that, as you say, the intention of the original ‘vaccine’ trials was solely to produce a therapeutic ‘vaccine’. The NS article specifically states that Pfizer’s intentions longer term were to look at any impact the ‘vaccine’ might have on transmissibility. Presumably any such studies proved nothing but this information would have had to be suppressed in order to sustain the MSM and politicians’ already embedded disingenuous narrative about passports and mandates.
Thanks Judyj. Perhaps I worded my post poorly but this is what I was trying to highlight. What they were testing for and what the world was told the drug would do were two different things.
No, I think you have worded your posts clearly and accurately. I was just endorsing what you said with documentary evidence for the benefit of sceptics. From what I have seen, and much as I have little confidence in the integrity of pharmaceutical companies, I very much doubt it can be supported by anyone that Pfizer themselves claimed the trials went beyond efficacy in reducing symptoms. That was left to politicians, their scientific advisers and media hype. 😠
Down votes suggest folks here think I used the word ’emergency’ in all earnest. No, I’m just pointing out what the official line was at the time. I was too lazy to add ‘scare quotes’ to all the things that are patently nonsense. Thought everyone would know that 🙂 .
I would argue that the ‘criteria’ to satisfy the controversial EUA is/was that there should be NO (alternative) effective medication available to treat the alleged cause of the viral ‘pandemic’. There were many available, two of which, IVERMECTIN and HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE were denigrated to the point of lunacy by the company execs and WHO/FDA officials. So, who cares how many symptoms the jabs were supposed to ‘reduce’ … it was a scam from the beginning. Heads need to roll.
Agreed. But the criteria for ‘success’ in the jab trials was that they reduced at least two symptoms. That is all they required for that drug to then be rolled out under EUA. I was merely stating what the acceptance criteria were for their own tests. Not sure why pointing out the sham is getting me a load of down votes.
The jabs are still “emergency-authorised” despite the same governments subsequently approving new proprietary knock-offs of IVM and HCQ.
Where were you when for months they promised “herd immunity”?
I was here, boosting herd immunity with my natural, unjabbed immune response.
I’m really not sure why I’m being attacked here. All I’m doing is pointing out the ‘success’ criteria the fecking arseholes who created these jabs were working to. They were never expecting to reduce infection and they never tested for that. But they sold the jabs to the public as if they did. I never took a jab because I never feared the f’kin Coof and I won’t take orders from criminals. Why are you being so hostile towards me Jel?
Maybe supply a little evidence, like a link or quote or something pointing to that “official line”. I don’t have time to “research the testing criteria” and you are the one putting this out there. Without something to back it up, it’s just your words.
When I said ‘official line’ I was referring to the story that we were in an ’emergency’ state which required ’emergency authorisation’ of some bullshit medecine. Pretty sure you don’t need me to point you to sources which put that line forward.
Regarding the fact that the trails only required that two symptoms were ‘reduced’. I know this was never reported in MSM. I know all authorities told the public the jab would stop infection. I didn’t realise I needed to state all this in order to avoid being denounced on here. I thought we all knew this. So, of course there are no MSM sources that said the drug would only reduce a couple of symptoms and that’s as good as it’ll get.
But there were certainly people who took the time to read up on the criteria that were actually set for those drugs and they were trying to draw attention to the fact that transmission suppression wasn’t required to record a ‘success’. So when I said it was clear at the time, I meant clear from the trial criteria. I didn’t mean to imply that the authorities and MSM ever gave any impression other than that these jabs were going to ‘save us all’. I thought this was all a ‘given’ on here and I wouldn’t have to explicitly state it.
If I can find any of those alternative sources that were trying to highlight the shitness of the testing criteria then I’ll try to post them later, but I’ll have to scroll through 18-month old blogs, so perhaps you’ll just take my word for it and accept that I’m not your enemy?
BMJ October 2020
“Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us”
“None of the trials currently under way are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.”
Thank you
The BMJ article was discussed on The Highwire on Nov 5, 2020. See following @ 46:00
In Plain Sight: How The Highwire Got It Right
The HighWire with Del Bigtree
Published October 24, 2022
BMJ article (extended quote):
Transmission of what? Don’t you need to prove something exists which can be transmitted in the first place?
Same shit, different day;
The Report from Iron Mountain concludes that there can be no substitute for war unless it possesses three properties. It must (1) be economically wasteful, (2) represent a credible threat of great magnitude, and (3) provide a logical excuse for compulsory service to the government.”
Seem familiar? More here:
Same shit, bigger pile.
Panto season in full swing:
They’re trying to make Truss the lighning rod for all the anger they know’s out there and in the process damn “toxic libertarianism” (as Hutton put it on the weekend). Then in comes the fuzzy communitarianism to act as cover for the Great Reset pedal to go to the metal. Of course this could also, in the slightly longer term, be turned back against Charles – I wonder if he knows this?
I’ve been suspecting these “hot mic” incidents are staged and certainly this one is.
I just wonder what silly little tricks the PTB are going to get up to next. They seem to have run out of ideas and using the tired format. The real events, however, are happening in the northern hemisphere – particularly in Europe – where the populace are out in the streets and on the march. This has got a long way to go.
And for those still thinking outside the box what was posted last febuary by coronacircus may now feel even more on point.
There was never any evidence for any of the claims made, which is why the psycho-ops were so important, which is why their “narrative” was so rigidly adhered to, which is why the refrain of “following the science” was shouted so loudly, which is why dissenting voices had to be crushed. So Johnson’s “emergency”, the draconian powers taken, the locking up of perfectly healthy people in their own homes, the mandating of “vaccination”, the sacking of care workers, the “emergency approval” of unproven and experimental drugs etc were all part of their Big Lie.
The only truths are a £400 billion + public sector spend, a cratered economy, vaccine injuries and deaths in the many thousands, an NHS with a multiple year expanded waiting list – oh and a plethora of even more wealthy billionaires.
Little wonder Johnson, once caught out with over a dozen Partygates (which clearly showed they knew that there wasn’t any risk), was so keen to move.the spotlight onto Ukraine.
And these same people are now accusing Russia of war crimes, but pretend that they didn’t commit any crimes against humanity.
Russia is telling the same lies about the fake pandemic and foisting their own version of the clot shot on their population, including children. There’s no East-West divide over this
OffG pointing to something that should not be controversial and nobody likes it. Which means there was an effort, great effort to paint the scamdemic as an Western hoax.
There are three or four fanatics who use (often multiple) votes as a way of denying the undeniable. We just leave them to it.
Perhaps Matt C may merely have been pointing out the blatant hypocrisy of acting as if Russia is the ONLY country, ever, to “commit atrocities.” Which is completely justified, whether one thinks Russia is against the NWO or not. Being from the US, that one galls me every day, and I’m not a Russia worshipper, merely someone who loathes the hypocrisy being bleated out every single day in this dumbed down country. Not that we’re alone there, of course. Gotta love it when the Brits do it as well, a country with a rather sordid history of colonialism and exploitative atrocities bleating about scary Russians…. Applies to the French, Germans, Spaniards, etc. It’s a big club and they love to point fingers while avoiding taking a good hard look in a mirror.
Matt probably wants to point out exactly that, and rightly so. Of course, again, as happens in over 90% of the cases, forgetting to add, “and at the same time in Russia the same crime against humanity is happening.” Something I’ve pointed out, with sources, in maybe 200 comments. And again I have pointed out in this my answer to Matt. But Matt’s post has 26 plus votes, and mine has one. Is it too much to say that this is a blurring of the realview, bordering on stupidity, which is far more serious than the hypocrisy of the Western dirty authorities?
(The reason for this refusal to accept reality is by no means aimless. The media that spread that the opposite of what is happening in Rus is not doing it aimlessly. And the results in the Western audience are there; they are, for the most part, literally bewitched. Where does this end? We’ll see..This is by no means an insignificant thing; it is not just psyop to make people believe otherwise. But time will only tell)
I agree with you, these bastards are disgusting criminals. And – as you very well finished your comment – they with all their abomination:
And all those who are allied with them make the same vile and absurd accusations against Russia, distracting attention from their own guilt (this is the same in our country). And those of us who call things by their real names, the same covidoid criminals call them “conspiracy theorists”, “science-disbelievers,” or simply “social media patients” or “low-educated”; and even “distributors of Russian propaganda,” I don’t know if you’ve come across this epithet used in connection with “anti-vaxxerism,” but sometimes the media, experts and authorities make this merger. Fucking upside down, unfair world…
Nauka.TASS (nauka=science)
“The low level of vaccination of Russians was associated with insufficient popularization of science
According to experts, vaccination was most often refused by people with a low level of education and those who often visited social networks
MOSCOW, October 10.. Scientists have found out that the low level of vaccination against coronavirus infection among Russians is primarily due to the spread of false information in social networks and insufficient popularization of science in society. This was announced on Monday by the press service of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”.
In order to convince those who are ready to be vaccinated under certain conditions, it is necessary to use specific data confirming the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine used. It is necessary to use a different approach to the group of those who categorically disagree with vaccination – it is necessary to popularize the achievements of science and medicine among this audience,” said a senior researcher at the HSE (Moscow) Yana Roshchina, whose words are quoted by the press service of the university.
After the first prototypes of COVID-19 vaccines appeared, researchers from different countries conducted a series of social surveys aimed at assessing the readiness of citizens to get vaccinated. Surveys showed that residents of most states agreed to vaccination, with the exception of several large states such as Russia, the USA and France, where only 45-60% of respondents expressed such a desire.
By October last year, only 36% of Russian adults had received vaccinations. This was not enough to form a collective immunity to SARS-CoV-2.
The search for reasons for refusing vaccination
The researchers analyzed the data collected by their colleagues from the Russian Monitoring of the Economic Situation and Public Health of the HSE, a monitoring project at the federal level.
The researchers decided to study which factors from social and economic life could influence the opinions of respondents. The analysis of the RMEZ data showed that not only people with a low level of education refused vaccination, but also those who visited social networks more often and had less confidence in the actions of the authorities and large corporations.
Such a pattern, according to scientists, indicates an insufficiently high level of popularization of science and medical achievements in Russian society. This allows false information about vaccines to spread through social networks and influence people with a conspiracy and skeptical mindset. The solution to this problem, according to the researchers, will significantly increase the propensity of Russians to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and other dangerous diseases.”
Popularization of science:
“OCT 7, More and more people in Europe are sick with COVID-19. Yes, again. The main thing about the pandemic from foreign media”
That’s why the dirty Western powers attacks them and wash their hands with them.
Upside down, unfair world.
The only “risk” taken was on humans.
And the damage to health goes on for many. The once alive, now dead, the once active, now vegetables, the once healthy now with blood clots and rampant cancers. Wicked Pfizer’s brew, like those of the other Big Pharma players, cripples the immune system but doesn’t confer immunity or prevent transmission.
Transmission of what? Something which has never been proven to exist?
The jab causes the spread of illness including flu:
We can only hope that the true believers of COVID will start to turn over some more stones once they realize they were cheated by the vaccine.
And yet the show goes on. My son can’t apply for jobs, my granddaughter can’t go to college, I can’t apply for some jobs, my daughter can’t apply for some jobs, my other son can’t continue to work unless he gets the booster. I’m waiting for when they mandate my other grandkids, 12, 10, 9, 7, 5 to get the jab in order to go to school. I’ve vowed that as the final straw.
The other shoe hasn’t dropped. I guess what this scam/hoax has shown is that the plans are much bigger, i.e., they are NOT stopping, and those of us against it are far outnumbered. Not only outnumbered but out resourced. They’ve got control of the media; they’re steadily taking control of all aspects of our lives; they’ve created a virtual police state in many areas. It’s starting to look like underground territory, survival territory instead of revolution. We have to each prepare individually, as families and friends, and work for and hope the resistance can build steam.
Sorry. At least you seem to have your family on your side. That’s important.
Agree. As an example, let us see how much publicity and protest arises from this event in European Parliament, or whether it is buried.
What news? Anyone who read Sadaf Gilani’s excellent analysis in February 2021 of the vaccine trials, was aware that the testing was directed solely towards the alleviation of common cold symptoms + positive PCR.
If you mean the jab alleviating from a positive result for PCR test,
that did not happen. Instead, many of the jabbed became “positive”. I recall reading official responses such as (a) specifying less PCR cycles, and after a delay (US CDC) (b) exempting them from testing.
Even before the jab, some “covid patients” remained positivefor a long time. WHO then said they can be allowed to leave hospital for “self-quarantine”.
I didn’t mean that. I suggest you (re?)read Gilani’s article.
Pfizer Vaccine Fraud, Pt.1 & 2 -Oct 10 2022: MEP CristianTerhes summarises the key findings from the Oct 10 Committee session
The videos below total around 9 minutes- the intros are from the video links:
Pfizer lied about the effectiveness of its Covid-19 m-RNA gene therapy substance. The public were advised to take the vaccine to protect themselves and others from the virus. But the Pfizer substance injected into millions of people does not prevent infection or transmission.
So taking it does not protect the individual nor does it ensure the vaccinated individual protects others. A Pfizer representative admitted under questioning by the Special Covid Committee of the EU parliament that Pfizer had done no tests and had no data to substantiate claims made of the product.
This is fraud.
The only lame excuse that the Pfizer rep. could offer was that the product had to be got onto the market ‘at the speed of science’ whatever that means.
In this video, MEP Cristian Terhes summarises the inadequate response from Pfizer.
A Committee of European MEPs seeks answers from Pfizer about their disastrous Covid-19 vaccines. How was it possible for Pfizer to be starting tests on the Covid vaccines only 3 days after China made available a possible gene sequence for the allegedly responsible pathogen for Corona infections?
Romanian MEP Cristian Terhes asks searching questions that Pfizer has declined to have its CEO attend the Committee to answer in person.
They may offer up a sacrificial lamb or two, but we can be sure the mass murderers will walk free.
It’s how the $y$tem works.
Then, it is surprising that the article above does not also mention infection.
Hello Maxwell: “This is fraud.” Truer words were never spoken.
For persons not familiar with proper definitions of a commonly used word:
Excerpted from: Fraud – Wikipedia
“In law, fraud is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain. Fraud is both a civil wrong (i.e., a fraud victim may sue the fraud perpetrator to avoid the fraud and/or recover monetary compensation) and a criminal wrong (i.e., a fraud perpetrator may be prosecuted and imprisoned by governmental authorities).
The purpose of fraud may be monetary gain or other benefits, such as obtaining a drivers license by way of false statements.”
Also: “Kenneth Lay, the American businessman who built energy company Enron. He was one of the highest paid CEOs in the U.S. until he was ousted as Chairman and convicted of fraud and conspiracy, although, as a result of his death, his conviction was vacated.”
Kinda like Jeffery Epstein…
short & informative:
Dave Smith Breaks Down the Reasons Russia Invaded Ukraine
Bojo’s lost his mojo.
Good of them to keep him directly informed
Jon Rappoport – Ending The Ukraine War Now
Piers Morgan first really came to notice for his editorial line at the Daily Mirror opposing the Iraq War (the only UK newspaper to take that position).
Now it’s clear what he is – and that controlled opposition is indeed something they do. They sought to establish him as a fearless speaker of truth unto power so they could deploy him later on.
It’s how they operate and instructive as to not being taken in just because someone says something one likes.
How would one test for “transmission,” anyway? Doesn’t such a test assume transmission is a real process, even though attempts to prove it in cases of other alleged viruses have failed?
The article is pending but here’s the plot. You can check it out, or come back here when unlocked..
Alberta’s new premier Daniele Smith says those who chose not to get a COVID-19 vaccine are the “most discriminated-against group” she has seen in her lifetime.
The ‘speed of science’ is a wondrous thing
Think of all the benefits it brings
Nukes, napalm, land mines, cluster bombs
The list just goes on and on
There’s Benzedrine, OxyContin and Thalidomide too
Yep, the speed of science brings the future to you.
some of those are the “speeds” of science I believe
Alberta’s New Premier Says Unvaccinated Are the ‘Most Discriminated-Against Group’ She Has SeenBy Epoch Times Staff October 11, 2022 Updated: October 12, 2022

biggersmaller Print
Alberta’s new premier Danielle Smith says those who chose not to get a COVID-19 vaccine are the “most discriminated-against group” she has seen in her lifetime.
“The community that faced the most restrictions on their freedoms in the last year were those who made a choice not to be vaccinated,” Smith said at her first press conference as premier on Oct. 11.
“I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a situation in my lifetime where a person was fired from their job, or not allowed to watch their kids play hockey, or not allowed to go visit a loved one in long-term care or hospital, or not allowed to go get on a plane to either go across the country to see family or even travel across the border.
“They have been the most discriminated group that I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime.”
Smith made the remarks shortly after being sworn in as premier in Edmonton.
During the leadership race, Smith had promised to bring fundamental changes to Alberta Health Services and to strengthen laws to avoid “discrimination” based on medical decisions.
“This has been an extraordinary time in the last year in particular, and I want people to know that I find that unacceptable,” she told reporters. “We are not going to create a segregated society on the basis of a medical choice.”
Similar to other provinces, Alberta brought in a vaccine passport system during the pandemic and closed down businesses and places of worship.
Alberta Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw provides a COVID-19 update in Edmonton on Sept. 3, 2021. (The Canadian Press/Jason Franson)
Smith also said she won’t be seeking advice from Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Deena Hinshaw and will instead form a new team of public health advisers.
When asked for further details including whether she is firing Hinshaw, a spokesperson for the premier said details haven’t been determined yet, repeating that Smith will be seeking to form a new team of public health advisers.
Rachel Emmanuel contributed to this report.
Lookout Danielle, Justin will dump you in the dustbin of history.
He’s a corporate gofer after all.
What all of her detractors fail to mention is that most other discriminatory practices were not legislated by dictatorial governments.
She’s had to issue a “clarification” Because muslim, jewish and lgbxyz groups say they are more discriminated against.
I smell a turdeau.
leftists are triumphantly calling it a retraction but it is nothing of the sort.
The Twitter feed is very enlightening. Many Canadians on there begging for more jabs and restrictions:
Twitter feeds never enlighten me. They could all be fake, meanwhile jab retractors are either afraid to speak or are silenced…
Twitter? Ah come on…
Twitter was only one source. The others I had to sign up to.
I won’t say “Google it” but you could actually do a search.
Hello theobalt: Ms. Danielle Smith’s comments are at least hopeful. But her comments regarding setting up a “new team of public health advisers” is remarkably lame.
We don’t need new teams of administrative autocrats. We need to dismiss and prosecute the existing ones. I wish her the best of luck. Thanks for posting.
Hello Paul, I’ll be sure to let her know tonight….
Small says, “We had to really move at the speed of science..we had to do everything at risk.”
Apart from an image of Einstein face palming and sobbing “Vy did I not zink of dat”
The next line in her answer is very telling and, I think, has been skipped over.
“To really understand what is taking place in the market”
It is the key to understanding what went on.
It was nothing to do with health
It was the market. It was money. It was getting there before the others.
And there were / still are a lot of players.
It answers a lot of questions about the jabs and the safety concerns. (There were none)
“Transhumanists are body-haters.”
They think they are too good for their bodies !
(They have a neurotic self-image PROBLEM.)
help free them, help them commit suicide:
pull the plug on them !
Pfizer ad:
Always nice to see a county man stand up for truth and reason while the world seems to believe we’re in Lalaland… Anyway, It was all just a BIG FAT LIE and the politicians sold it to us under pretext and blackmailing us from our loved ones, our jobs, our lives!
But, do we still believe them when they all ignore the overwhelming evidence of bilateral damage from the ‘cure’… How long are we going to go along with the mass murder on a global scale??
Ohhh wait, they obtainened & secured impunity…
Impunity means nothing when you finally face torches and pitchforks
The COVID vaccine narrative is falling completely apart but most people (other than the readers here) have been so bamboozled and duped they think the pandemic is real and so are the injections. I have friends who still brag about getting boosters. They viewed me as crazy or a threat to humanity because I refused to get the jab and our relationships have fizzled. Time will tell how many fall for the next pandemic, since the Monkeypox scam fell through.
I went to a doctor’s office today and there were bright green signs all over demanding that masks are mandatory. Everyone except me had a mask on, and seemed fine with complying — it was their normal. The receptionist handed me a mask, which I left on the counter. Not another word was spoken to me about it, but inside I felt like a complete heretic in the land of lunacy. Will they fall for monkeypox? No doubt.
They are now so confident that not even having 50 gigantic lies blow up in their faces can penetrate their terminally thick skulls.
They come from Mars, and they want our planet for themselves:
Transmission of what? We know there’s no such thing. Wtf OffGuardian?!
OffGuardian knows that.
Read the fucking article. You’re so keen to denigrate it’s like that’s your job
What is scandalous is that Our Representatives, the politicians, didnt notice the scam. They went along with it, just as they went along with claims about Saddam’s “Weapons of Massive Destructions”. ..
They are now faking being scandalised by the drug company’s admission !
Can we rely on Our rRpresentatives to stop the Next War, not allow them to fake being scandalised after the event
My opinion has long been that our “representatives” — or at least the vast majority of them do notice the scam, whether it be Convid or weapons of mass destruction or whatever. They know. There is always an alternative viewpoint that they willingly choose not to (publicly) hear.
What makes you think they don’t notice the scam? They don’t care about the scam because they hold stock in Pfizer, Moderna, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, etc. Pandemics or wars are great for their portfolios, whether they’re real or not. No, you cannot rely on them to stop the next war.
Martha: Bingo! They’re all ZOG invested mini governments. Of course, I’m an antisemitic conspiracy theorist…
I expected eventually you to admit it.
Shalom, bro. 🕎
Representatives of the state were the ones scamming. Of course they knew what they were doing. Without those politicians, the drug companies wouldn’t have had any power besides advertising.
Representatives of the state made laws.
They were the ones making the scam, forcing people to take the jab, breaking every rule of their constitution and discriminating practically everyone but themselves. They were so VIP.
Representatives of the state have for long called themselves ”leaders”. That’s what they think they are. They are full of shit, in service of Mammon.
” We had to move at the speed of science…do everything at risk” risk? the risk to the public? They did everything with no risk whatsoever- guaranteed payment and immune from being sued. She really fulfills the wishes of the Gods of Olympus creating woman – with the mind of a lying bitch and the temperament of a thief. (their words not mine)
Yeah, you’ll notice that she answered the question with a little chuckle.
“No.” Heh heh.
“The speed of ‘science.'” Heh heh.
The “markets.” Heh heh.
Testing to see if the “vaccine” stops “transmsission” is way down the line from testing if there >IS< “transmission. Why is “Dutch MEP Rob Roos” asserting there is “transmission”?
Such words are obviously …..
Because the governments used transmission as the major excuse for their restrictions, and the jab as their major solution to transmission.
That transmission for any disease is contentious is another matter.
Why do so many of these female pop stars look alike?
Of course!!
The same plastic surgeons.
Jury decides Alex Jones must pay $965 million (nearly a billion) in Sandy Hook defamation trial
A Connecticut jury in Infowars host Alex Jones’ defamation trial said on Wednesday that he must pay $965 million in damages to multiple families that suffered from his false claims about the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting, which killed 26 people, including 20 children. The 15 plaintiffs in this trial said that since the 2012 shooting, Jones’ followers have harassed them and sent them death threats spurred on by his conspiracy theories.
Donate now as a.j going to pretend to be skint.
Show trial.
Deep state trying to silence him, period.
All the while the Biden crime family continue the money laundering in the Ukraine..
The damages are not meant to be taken seriously.
Very few people could pay that sum.
Having listened to some of Alex Jones’ stuff he ain’t got that money and they know it.
It is a warning for people to not rock the boat.
No fan of A J but the strategy is very dangerous and I really hope it backfires.
You just have to laugh at the Graud. I clicked on an article from them and saw this pop up:
“The world” again! I reckon the reason why it “can’t wait” is that it’s in desperate need of a massive crap!
Yes. Beware the Tyranny of Urgency.
So what good did the vaccine actually do against this so called virus? Soon their argument will need to be that there was no virus after all and hence the vaccine working or not is irrelevant.
I mean what’s their definition of the term natural immunity going to look like now?
“Natural immunity” has been banned.
Remember when it was said that enough people needed to be vaccinated to attain herd immunity?
Have reached herd immunity yet?
How can a vaccine that does not provide immunity ever lead to herd immunity?
Why aren’t we told that enough people have been vaccinated so that now we have herd immunity?
Why are the vaccine authorities not talking about herd immunity now?
Not easy to achieve PCR herd immunity!
A “vaccine” is originally some puss from a cow. “Herd immunity” is more bs than any used sales car man could come up with. Like: “if you buy don’t buy the car everyone else will have a car crash” Bs fuc* of*!
“Vaccine” is by definition infecting someone 😉 :
1350–1400; Middle English infecten<Latin infectus (past participle of inficere to immerse in dye, discolor, taint, poison), equivalent to in-in-2 + -fec-, combining form of facere to do1, make (see fact) + -tus past participle suffix
I think you have an extra ‘s’ there. 🙂
No he doesn’t 😀
Yess he doess.
Not as cute as cow puss
Maybe I was the only one who lost out on a good joke… But “moving at the speed of science” is actually some sort of Pfizer slogan…
”Science will win” it says. But their science won’t win. Their science has already lost. This is just fact. If some don’t recognize it, it’s their failure.
Truth always wins, since truth is something that is real. Their science is just an anti-scientific lie, a fraud, deception and a criminal case of mass murder.
And just like muttBiden told the herd of MMS/3i’s voters:
With this ALSO nothing will fundamentally CHANGE.
I can even declare right now that if during Winter 2024/2025 They deploy another PCR “pandemic” the herds will behave in the same manner!
I’m having such good laughs…
same here in-between uncontrollable sobbing.
Dear herds of COVIDIOTS [the ones that followed the “science” and obeyed everything]…
Never this word made so much sense!
Keep CALM and JAB ON!
The Nazis actually relaxed German vaccine mandates so spare us the SS shit.
Good joke!
Hitler was veg and err celebate. choose your poison. lol.
Lucky for them that the herds of MMS/3i’s really DO NOT CARE about any of this!
Hardly anyone understands what your MMS/3i thing means, and I think if it was going to go viral or start a trend it would have done by now. It might be better for communication purposes to just use a more established phrase so people know what you’re talking about. 🤷🏻♀️
Unlike you and your admin buddies I’m not looking for “viral” nor “trend”!
As I said before writing “Modern Moron Slaves (Irresponsible, Ignorant, Idiot)”[MMS/3i’s] goes many times into the censorship bin due to the word Moron, so I use just the letters. Faster and Easier, and for the purpose of having FUN it’s for me quite enough.
no it doesn’t.
As I think I proved above. That was the only reason to post that comment.
You’re another one of the multi-voting gang multi-upvoting their own comments and multi-downvoting anyone who disagrees with you.
You, Tom Larsen, Brianboru, Patrick L
You forgot about the undisputed and unapproachable leader.
Who’s that, you should warn everyone about that…!
I can’t speak in public, but I’ll tell you in ear 🗣 (madmax)
pfff all right, I’ll keep an eye out
Spam ate me at 7:09 PM. Too much editing. The beast was just waiting.
shaddup wae yon.
whenever I hear “follow the science” I know to follow the money
I follow the money all the time but never catch it
aye well, … that’s the hollow soul existence… bigger fish are frying, or not
; )
Whenever I hear “follow the science” I know to grab the lube.
I guess the “speed of science” depends on what’s being scienced.
We’ve all been well and truly scienced!
We’ve all been well and truly sci(L)enced!
scilence !!
“Excess mortality resulting from the mRNA ‘covid’ ‘vaccine’ roll-out. Comprehensive analysis”, at:
Yes. Excellent article. But people have to quit reading graphs and charts and statistics. It’s like spending all your time staring at a bucket of bolts and never putting he car together…
Drug manufactures have killed and maimed hundreds of millions of persons in the last 50 years. How big a bucket of bolts do people need?
Yes, you’re right. I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40+ years, and have been aware for a very long time just how dangerous the products of the corrupt Pharmaceutical Industry truly are. I go nowhere near those products.
Déjà vu.
My blood is boiling again!
Just pulled the protest shovel out of the closet.
Links to this Off Guardian page have been sent everywhere.
The psychological definition of Déjà vu doesn’t fit:
“Psychology. the illusion of having previously experienced something actually being encountered for the first time.”
Nor does the second definition:
“disagreeable familiarity or sameness: The new television season had a sense of déjà vu about it—the same old plots and characters with new names.”
New names? Mostly not.
Third time BINGO!:
“the sense or feeling of having previously experienced something that really has been encountered before…”
Indeed it is the repetition of exactly the same that shows the devastating power of the media. The drip drip drip. And the fact that what is being repeated is the most degradingly obvious crap is actually a weapon in itself. “Look at us! We’re shovelling shite! It’s obvious shite! But what are you going to do about it? Look! We are the ones with all the megaphones!”
“The speed of science,” while not doing any tests. What kind of science is that?
It’s related to political science.
Fast science, Pil. Like fast food, and just as affordable; so the majority can afford it.
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
This phrase really is manna from heaven.
Like Sir kneelalot
We can use this phrase as a derogatory term for any future fuckaboutary.
Absolutely. “Scienced” is the newest word in my vocabulary, and a term of scorn and derision.